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Let A’s investment be Rs. x. Then, ratio of capitals of A, B and C = (x × 12) : (3x × 4) : (2x × 7) ⇒ 12x : 12x : 14x ⇒ 6x : 6x : 7x Therefore, C’s share = Rs. 38000 x (7/19) = Rs.14000
As per the IRDA Regulations, 2002, a life insurance company is required to prepare it’s Balance Sheet in _______ .
A’s acceptance to B for Rs. 5,000 is discharged by a cash payment of Rs.3000 and a new bill is drawn for the balance plus Rs.100 for interest. The am...
Identify correct full forms of ESOP and ESPP.
In which year Indian Contract Act was enacted?
Journal entry for recording of bad debt expense is which one among the following?
IRR would favour a project proposal which has _________.
Which of the following statement is incorrect?
The balance in the reconstruction account is utilized for:
In case of redemption of debentures, Debt/equity ratio will:
Any member of a company entitled to attend and vote at a meeting of the company shall be entitled to appoint another person as ___________ to attend an...