Total no. of ways =3!=6 and favourable no.of ways =1. So, required probability = 1/6
All actors are directors.
Some directors are dancers.
All dancers are wri...
Statements: Some earth are moon.
Some moon are sun.
Conclusions: I. Some earth are sun.
Two statements are given followed by three conclusions numbered I, II, and III assuming the statements to be true, even if they seem to be at variance ...
Some river is sea.
Only sea is ocean.
I. All ocean can be river.
II. All sea can be river.
Statements: Some winters are summers.
All summers are springs.
All springs are seasons.
100% King are Queen
Some Army are Queen
No Queen are Soldier
I. Some Soldier are Army
II. At least Some King are Army
90% English is Hindi
None of Hindi is Commerce
Only a few Commerce is Science
I) Som...
Only a few Beg is Box.
Some box is pencil
No pencil is Bottle
I. All Bottles can b...
Statements: Some doors are windows.
All houses are windows.
No mirror is a door.
Conclusions: I. Some doors are mirror
...Three statements are given followed by three conclusions numbered I, II and III. Assuming the statements to be true, even if they seem to be at varianc...