• Different sources cite India or China as the biggest cotton producers in the world. • According to FAO, India and China both are the biggest cotton producers in the world. Their relative position is subject to change every year.
Given below are five scattered segments of a sentence. Indicate the correct sequence which correctly assembles the segments and completes the sentence....
She got so scared with
P. married a disabled man
Q. the thought of living alone
R. that she finally
Which should be the first sentence after rearrangement?
Which sentence is the LAST BUT ONE in the paragraph?
Which of the following is the first sentence of the passage?
1. Sahil ignored my reassurances.
P. He wanted me to remember him not through the spoken recitatives of memory and friendship, but through the...
Which of the following will be the ‘SECOND’ sentence after the rearrangement ?
Which of the following is the third sentence of the passage?
Which of the following is the fifth sentence of the passage?
The agriculture sector plays a significant role in carbon trading(1), and livestock production can release greenhouse gas into the atmosphere (2)Agri...