Tamil Nadu has three major ports located in its territory: Chennai port, Kamarajar Port (Ennore) and Chidambaranar Port (Tuticorin).
Given the following email fields, which of the email addresses will ‘swami’ be able to see when he receives the message ?
To… ram@test.com<...
It is designed to help quickly find the commands to complete a task. What is being discussed here?
Ctrl, shift and alt are called ________ keys.
___________software allows the user to speak into the computer rather than type in text.
A collection of related files is called a______.
Which key is used as a shortcut to rename a folder in Windows 8 or higher versions?
Which of the following is not a/an web browser?
Which among the following is a part of system software?
Which shortcut is used to find and replace?
A__________ is an interactive computer application for organization, analysis and storage of data in tabular form.