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The correct answer is A
Weeds propagating through tubers
Which of the following type of mouth parts present in Cockroach and grasshopper?
Maggots enter the stem and feed on the growing point of the central shoot and the attacked tiller is converted into a shining tubular structure called "...
C4 plants utilize the Hatch and Slack pathway for carbon fixation, which allows them to thrive in hot and dry climates. Among the following, which plant...
In North India rivers are perennial during the period of
What is the example of alleles is?
Reclammation of acidic soils is done by the use of……………………..
In CRD design the degree of freedom for error is calculated by which formula?
Piglet Anaemia is a hypochromic-microcytic anaemia generally associated with young, rapidly growing piglets. Piglet Anaemia is caused by?
What is the range of medium range weather forecasting?