The correct answer is D
Who has the authority to decide in the event of dispute in election of the President of India?
In which of the following years, progressive liberalisation of the Indian economy was first initiated?
Which region in the Philippines was impacted by Typhoon Krathon in September 2024?
Consider the following statements:
1. The source of sunlight and heat is Nuclear Fusion.
2. The Hydrogen Bomb is based on Nuclear Fusion.<...
When Was the First National Panchayati Raj Day Observed in India?
Stand up India scheme is to boost up the _______ entrepreneurs in India?
In June, 2021 which Indian athlete has won the gold medal hat trick in the World Archery?
Who is considered the father of the Indian Navy?
Which of the following languages given below comes under Austro-Asian languages?
राजस्थान के किस क्षेत्र ने कृषक आन्दोलन प्रारम्भ करने क...