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In its latest Electoral Democracy Index of the V-dem Democracy report 2023, India has been placed at 108th rank. India’s position has slipped to 8 steps below its previous ranking. Last year India was placed at 100th rank in the same report. This time India has been ranked way below countries such as Tanzania, Bolivia, Mexico, Singapore, and Nigeria. In the Liberal Democracy index India has been placed at 97th position. The index captures electoral aspects of democracy based on 71 indicators such as free and fair elections, political and civil rights, and more. Denmark is the country that has been placed at the top rank in the index. V-dem Democracy Index The V-Dem Institute (Varieties of Democracy) is an independent research institute founded by Professor Staffan I. Lindberg in 2014 that studies the qualities of government. A number of government organizations, the World Bank, and several research institutions fund the institute. The headquarters of the project is based at the department of political science, University of Gothenburg, Sweden.
The site specific crop management approach that applies agro-chemicals to the field in an economical and environment friendly manner is known as ____.
A tensiometer is a device for measuring soil water tension. Tensiometer or the irrometer measures the soil moisture up to____
Ozone layer which absorbs and scatters the solar ultraviolet radiation is present in which layer of atmosphere?
The primary mode of soil aeration is
Movement of plant towards sunlight is known as
India ranks ____ in rice production in the world.
Which of the following is the concept of seed village?
Coverage area of knapsack sprayer (hand operated) is _____
The pungency of chilli is due to
Grape is vegetatively propagated through which of the following methods: