The Petroleum and Natural Gas Ministry organised a one of its kind musical event, Dance to Decarbonise, National Stadium in New Delhi on 23rd December 2022. The Ministry informed that the renewable energy generated through dance will be used to charge electric vehicles. The event aimed at showcasing India’ s target of achieving net- zero emissions by 2070 weighing against the country's growing economy, rising energy requirements, and the implementation of responsible energy sources over transformational energy systems for the future. About Ministry of Petroleum & Natural Gas Union Minister: Hardeep Singh Puri
Below are two statements. You have to take the given statements to be true even if they seem to be at variance with the commonly known facts.
Read the given statements and conclusions carefully. Assuming that the information given in the statements is true, even if it appears to be at variance...
Change the question mark with the option that follows the applied logic in the first pair.
114: 24 :: 394: ??
Two statements are followed by two conclusions numbered I and II. Assuming the statements to be true even if they do not conform to real-world knowledg...
Select the number that can replace the question mark (?) in the following series.
12.24, 48.96, 192.384, ?
Select the option figure in which the given figure is embedded (rotation is NOT allowed).
Each of the digits in the number 56249324861 is arranged in ascending order from left to right. What will be the sum of the digits which are second from...
The sequence of folding a piece of paper and the manner in which the folded paper has been cut is shown below. Choose a figure which would most closely ...
If Neelam says, “Anita's father Raj Is the only son of my father-in-law Sunil", then how is Kavita, who is the sister of Anita, related to Sunil?
Six friends K, L, M, N, O and P are sitting in two rows; both the rows are facing north. Four friends are in the first row, whereas two friends are in t...