
    Read the following statements carefully- (i) In

    the late 19  century, the Desh Hiteshini Sabha was established in Mewar. (ii) Social reform was the core objective of the Sabha. Choose the correct answer-
    A Only statement (i) is true Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    B Both the statements are true Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    C Only statement (ii) is true Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    D Neither (i) nor (ii) is true Correct Answer Incorrect Answer


    Desh Hiteshini Sabha (i) In the late 19th century, the Desh Hiteshini Sabha was established in Mewar. (ii) Social reform was the core objective of the Sabha. Additional Information Desh Hiteshini Sabha was established on 2 July 1877 in Udaipur, Rajasthan in the chairmanship of Maharana Sajjan Singh to counter the following problems: Keeping a check on the expenses of marriage Formulation of rules for banning polygamy. The goal of this Sabha could not be met because of the non-cooperation from the British. This reform was the first-ever reform in the state which however had little success.

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