Infectious diseases are disorders caused by organisms - such as bacteria, viruses, fungi or parasites. Allergies occur when the immune system reacts to a foreign substance - such as pollen, bee venom or pet dander or a food that doesn't cause a reaction in most people. A disease in which the function or structure of the affected tissues or organs changes for the worse over time. Osteoarthritis, osteoporosis, and Alzheimer disease are examples. Non-communicable diseases (NCDs) are medical conditions or diseases that are not caused by infectious agents. These are chronic diseases of long duration, and generally with slow progression and are the result of a combination of genetic, physiological, environmental and behavioral factors.
Mohit is a teacher and he teach some students in two (Morning & evening) slots. There are 5 boys and ‘x’ girls in morning slot, while there are ‘x...
The chance that Nikhil can solve a certain problem is1/7, the chance that Tarun can solve it is3/5. Find the probability that the problem is solved if t...
Two Dice are thrown simultaneously. Find the probability that the number on the first dice is more than the number of 2nd Dice.
The probability of selecting a rotten apple randomly from a heap of 600 apples is 0.14. What is the number of rotten apples in the heap?
The probability of selecting a rotten apple randomly from a heap of 900 apples is 0.18. What is the number of rotten apples in the heap?
...The probability of selecting a rotten apple randomly from a heap of 350 apples is 0.18. What is the number of rotten apples in the heap?
...If the letters of the word HORIZON be arranged at random, what is the probability that all the vowels are together?
24 defective pens are accidentally mixed with 120 good ones. It is not possible to just look at a pen and tell whether or not it is defective. On...
The probability of selecting a rotten apple randomly from a heap of 250 apples is 0.20. What is the number of rotten apples in the heap?
...Out of three girls and five boys, five children are to be randomly selected for a dance programme. What is the probability that all the selected childre...