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Government has disinvested its Stake in VSNL, IBP and IPCL to Tata Group of Industries, Indian Oil Corporation and Reliance, respectively
In July 2024, which economic indicator was recorded as the lowest in the last 59 months?
Which of the following is related to organization morale?
Which of the following assets is a non-depreciable asset?
Which of the following formulae correctly calculates the Operating Profit Margin?
If an individual is unable to pay back the overdraft taken by him it is known as
What is the risk measure associated with the Capital Market Line (CML)?
Calculate the current ratio based on above information?
Which of the following is correct about the classical approach of management?
i. It is a theory of management that analyzes and synthesizes workf...
A company has average account receivables of Rs 120000 and annual credit sales of Rs 600000, Calculate the average collection period (assume number of d...
MNP Inc has a gross profit of Rs 75000 on a sale of Rs 350000. The balance sheet shows average total assets of Rs 200000 with an average inventory of Rs...