Rajatarangini is a metrical legendary and historical chronicle of the north-western part of India, particularly the kings of Kashmir. It was written in Sanskrit by Kashmiri historian Kalhana in the 12th century CE. The work consists of 7826 verses, which are divided between eight books called tarangas.
What is the name of the first cruise service launched between Mumbai and Goa?
Which of the following statements is correct
A. A trader does short selling when s/he expects prices of the security to increase
B. S...
Which week is observed annually across India from April 1st to April 7th?
The hornbill festival is celebrated in____
When is Karnataka Day celebrated in India?
‘Shamsher Khan’ who passed away recently, is associated with __________
Ministry for Ports, Shipping and Waterways and AYUSH and Deputy Prime Minister and Union Minister for Transport & Communications Admiral Tin Aung San,...
Consider the following statements:
1. The source of sunlight and heat is Nuclear Fusion.
2. The Hydrogen Bomb is based on Nuclear Fusion.<...
Forwards contract can be reversed only with the same counter-party with whom it was entered into
In which district of Tamil Nadu, India, do the Badagas, an ethno-linguistic community, primarily reside?