Accident Insurance Cover of Rs.1 lakh (enhanced to Rs. 2 lacks to new PMJDY accounts opened after 28.8.2018) is available with a RuPay card issued to the PMJDY account holders. An overdraft (OD) facility up to Rs. 10,000 to eligible account holders is available.
How are Judges of the Supreme Court appointed and what is their term of office as per the Constitution?
A company shall have at least one director who stays in India for a total period of not less than one hundred and eighty-two days ______________
Which of the following is not one of the four sources of Islamic law (Shariah)?
The latin phrase ____________means ‘have the body’
What is oral evidence?
Whoever, with the deliberate intention to wound religious feelings of any person. utter words or make any sound is liable for punishment under of the I...
As per LLP act, body corporate includes -
The Magistrate or Judge of the Designated Court shall not authorise seizure of books, registers, other documents and record, of
The doctrine of estoppel is a______
Which section of the Companies Act delas with the provision of conversion of companies already registered?