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As per Section 46 of the Factories Act, 1948, every factory wherein more than 250 workers are ordinarily employed, shall provide and maintain a canteen. However, if the State Government is of the opinion that in any factory wherein less than 250 workers are ordinarily employed, it is necessary to provide a canteen, it may, by notification in the Official Gazette, require the provision of a canteen in such a factory.
Which bank launched a new account named “Namaste UK” in Britain aimed at benefitting Indian students and professionals?
Which country will reopen its borders to foreign tourists on February 21 after almost 2 years?
Where is the Headquarters of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)?
In the following question, select the odd number from the given alternatives.
The First Governor to sign a note in India was:
In which year India became a part of the Mineral Security Partnership (MSP), which is led by the USA?
What is purchasing power parity (PPP)
The State Election Commission in Uttar Pradesh was established for the elections of panchayats and urban bodies in :
Which district of Uttarakhand has the highest fish production (thousand metric ton) in the state as per 2022-23?
Who got the title of the winner of FIFA( Federation Internationale de Football Association) for 2018?