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As per Section 23 of the Trade Union Act, 1926, a registered trade union may change its name with the prior consent of the Registrar of Trade Unions.
Dental formula of Lemur is:
Following is an example of high volume sprayer
Central Agmark Laboratory is located at:
Raphanus sativas L is the botanical name of:
On the basis of climatic condition, Walnut is an example of which type of fruit crop?
Given below are two statements
Statement I: A soil with good tilth is quite porous and has free drainage up to water table
Statement II: T...
The bulk density is expressed as:
A. g/cmᶾ
B. Mg/mᶾ
C. kg/mᶾ
D. g/mᶾ
Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
Chlorophyll is formed from
The bond order and magnetic behavior of Oˉ ₂ ion are, respectively:
Albugo candida survives as