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The Swadhar Greh Scheme was actualized by the Ministry of Women and Child Development. It targets the female casualties of troubling conditions who need institutional help for rehabilitation. This Scheme provides them with shelter, food, apparel, medical treatment, and social and financial support.
Why is water typically used in car radiators?
Why are mud houses more thermally comfortable than brick houses?
Which of the following is used as a substitute for mercury in thermometers?
What does 'Hoar Frost' directly convert from?
Which of the following gases is used as reference to calculate "Global Warming Potential (GWP)"?
Which substance is used to enhance x-ray and CT images?
The scientific discipline concerned with the description of rock successions and their interpretation in terms of a general time scale is called?
Which set of the following gases is most important for greenhouse effect?
Consider the following statements about Vyommitra:
1. Minister of Science and Technology recently announced that India is set to la...
How long does it take for sunlight to travel from the Sun to Earth?