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The Western-educated progressive Parsis like Dadabhai Naoroji, J.B. Wacha, S.S. Bangali and Naoroji Furdonji founded the Rahanumai Mazdayasanan Sabha (Religious Reform Association) in 1851. The prime objective of the association was- “the regeneration of the social condition of the Parsis and the restoration of the Zoroastrian religion to its pristine purity”. Rast Goftar (Voice of Truth) was its weekly organ
Which ruler of the Chahamana dynasty made Ajmer his capital?
Which of the following is the rainiest place in the world?
A man walks in a certain direction for 5 km and then walks in the south direction for 4 km. If he ends up in the east direction with respect to the sta...
In the context of Inflation, consider the following statements:
1. Base Effect is the impact of the price levels of the previous year on the calc...
Which of the following Committee in the late 1990s recommended consolidation through a process of merging strong banks?
In the Australian Open 2022, which player emerged as the winner?
Which Article deals with the election of the Vice President?
Consider the following statements are UV rays emitting from Sun:
1. There are two types of UV rays UVA and UVB
2. UVA penetrates deep into...
In September 2022, the ____________ Assembly sets aside one day for women MLAs to speak about women issues such as safety, health, hygiene and education .
Which missile system is a collaboration between DRDO of India and Russia?