In spite of many attempts to check population growth, the birth rate is still high in India. Annual exponential growth rate is 1.64% as per as 2011 census. Overpopulation causes various problems to the ecosystem.
Denavelling, the removal of male bud after completion of female phase is related to which crop?
Super rice is developed by
Which of the following is a measure to promote agricultural exports under the Agricultural Export Policy?
The branch of biology which deals with the study of heredity and variation is known as
Yellow mosaic in soybean is spread by:
Which of the following is ephemeral weed?
Which of the following is not matched correctly in context with the growth stages in wheat crop?
Abscisic acid act as inducer of
In oxygenic photosynthetic organism, photosynthetic pigment is located in ___________
The total number of KVKs in the country are