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Cost Income of an economy, i.e., value of its total produced goods and services may be calculated at either the ‘factor cost’ or the ‘market cost’. There is a difference between them. In general, they are also called ‘factor price’ and ‘market price’. India officially used to calculate its national income at factor cost. Since January 2015, the CSO has switched over to calculating it at market price ● Statement 1 incorrect: Factor cost is the ‘input cost’ the producer has to incur in the process of producing something (such as cost of capital, i.e., interest on loans, raw materials, labour, rent, power, etc.). This is also termed as ‘factory price’ or ‘production cost/price’. This is nothing but the ‘price’ of the commodity from the producer’s side. ● Statement 2 Incorrect: Market cost is derived after adding the indirect taxes to the factor cost of the product. It means the cost at which the goods reach the market, i.e., showrooms The formula to calculate is Market Cost= Factor Cost – Subsidies + Indirect Taxes
Which programming language is often used for developing machine learning and artificial intelligence applications?
Computers on an internet are identified by
Which of the following is not related to e-mail?
Which one of the following errors will be handle by the operating system?
AltaVista is a(n)_______.
Which of the following is used to locate resource on web?
What is the concept of "forking" in the context of open source software?
DVD technology uses an optical media to store the digital data. DVD is an acronym for
The difference between people with access to computers and the Internet and those without this access is known as the:
What is the attempt to acquire sensitive information such as usernames, passwords, and credit card details (and sometimes, indirectly , money) by preten...