● Option 1 is incorrect- There is no dual citizenship in india. India has a single citizenship- Though India is a dual polity, the Constitution of India provides for a single citizenship for the whole of India. The Citizenship Act, 1955 deals with matters relating to acquisition, determination and termination of Indian citizenship after the commencement of the Constitution. ● Option 2 is incorrect - India has three tier Government- The three tiers of governance are- Central Government ,State Government and Panchayati Raj or Municipalities. The 73 and 74th Constitutional Amendment Acts of 1992 have added a third tier of Government – Local Governments ● Option 3 is correct- Indian Constitution is a Drawn from various sources- Its provisions were borrowed from the Government of India Act 1935 and the Constitutions of the US, Ireland, Britain, Canada, Australia, Germany, the USSR, France, South Africa, Japan, and other countries. For example- Procedure Established by Law was borrowed from the Constitution of Japan. ● Option 4 is correct- Indian Constitution envisages a Parliamentary form of Government- A parliamentary system of government has some features like presence of nominal and real executives, Majority party rule, collective responsibility of executive to legislature, Dissolution of Lower house, Leadership of Prime Minister. It is based on the principle of coordination between the Legislative and Executive Organs.
Which of the following statements is/are definitely correct?
How is P related to the mother of R?
Four of the following are alike in a certain way. Who among the following one does not belong to the group?
D is the only sister of I. T is the mother of D. W is married to I. T has only two sons. C is the niece of D and B. W has no sibling. D is unmarried. Th...
How is W related to R?
Archit is brother of Priyanka who is married to Manish. Manish is father of Arijit who is father in law of Rakesh and has two children, then how Archit ...
There are five members in the family. Q is father-in-law of B, who is sister-in-law of D. W is mother of D. O is the only brother of D. Q is married. Wh...
How is Q related to M?
In a family of six persons, H is the mother of I’s mother. F is married to H. N is the maternal uncle of E, who is married to O. I is the son of O. Ho...
If ‘P × Q’ mean ‘Q is the sister of P’, ‘P + Q’ means ‘Q is the daughter of P’ , ‘P ÷ Q’ means ‘P is the wife of Q’, and ‘P-...