
    Which of the following statements about Article 19 of

    the Constitution is correct?
    A It originally contained seven rights. Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    B It has been amended by first, forty-fourth and fifty-second Constitution Amendment Acts. Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    C It is automatically suspended when a national emergency is declared on the ground of armed rebellion. Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    D None of the above Correct Answer Incorrect Answer


    ● Option A is correct: Article 19 originally contained seven rights. But, the ‘right to acquire, hold and dispose of property’ was deleted by 44th Constitutional Amendment Act. ● Option B is incorrect: It has been amended by 1st, 16th, 44th and 97th Constitutional Amendment Acts. The 1st Constitutional Amendment Act, 1951 substituted Article 19(2) to provide reasonable restrictions on freedom of speech and expression. 16th Constitutional Amendment Act, 1963 included “the Sovereignty and integrity of India” as a restriction in exercise of rights provided under Article 19. 44th Constititonal Amendment Act, 1978 omitted Article 19(1)(f) which provided fundamental right to property. The 97th constitutional amendment act 2011 gave constitutional status and protection to cooperative societies. ● Option C is incorrect: Under Article 358 of the Constitution, it is automatically suspended when a national emergency is declared on the ground of war or external aggression not on armed rebellion.

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