All the above features do not reflect the federal spirit of the constitution. ● Statement 1 is correct: The states do not have the power to tax the centre property in their jurisdiction. Emergency provisions are against the federal spirit. ● Statement 2 is correct: Maladministration is used as a criterion to enforce president rule, which is against the federal spirit. ● Statement 3 is correct: The president represents the union and state administration. In the appointment process, the state legislative assemblies participate in the electoral college but in the removal, they are not part of it. This is also not in the true spirit of federalism. ● Statement 4 is correct: Governors do not have any role in the appointment and removal of high court judges. He is the head of the federal unit i. e state, and not giving him any power in the appointment and removal of the high court is against the federal spirit.
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State which has highest, total coarse cereal production
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A set of interrelated units that are engaged in joint problem solving to accomplish a common goal.