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• Statement 1 is incorrect: An Inter-State council is not established by an Act of Parliament or the Parliament, but by the President, at any time it appears to him that public interest would be served. • Statement 2 is correct: The President is empowered to define the nature of the duties to be performed by the Inter-State Council along with its organization and procedures. Article 263 of the Constitution also specifies the duties that can be assigned to the InterState Council. • Statement 3 is incorrect: The Parliament cannot assign duties or provide guidelines for the functioning of the Inter-State Council. • Statement 4 is correct: The president can establish an Inter-State Council for enquiring into and advising upon Inter-state disputes, if any time it appears to him that the public interests would be served by the establishment of such council.
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निम्नलिखित शब्दों में से कौन-सा शब्द शुद्ध
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