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The Code on Wages Act 2020 prohibits strikes and lock-outs during and up to seven days after a conciliation proceeding.
Nipping – the removal of apical bud of young plants, is done in which crop?
When was the cotton supply association founded in Britain?
The facility of national portability of ration card is named as____
Which of the following hormone deficiency causes dwarfism in plant?
The pair of highly wind erosion affected States in India is
Protection of the wildlife habitat can be done through in-situ and ex-situ conservation methods. Which one of the following is not a site for in-situ me...
What is the minimum amount of assistance under National horticulture Mission for adoption of organic farming?
What is the limit of Total Polar Compounds (TPC) in Used cooking Oil?
The most popular grape variety in India is
Which one of the following is NOT a quality parameter of rice grain?