● Statement 1 and 4 are correct: The law was supposed to and has certainly been able to curb the evil of defection to a great extent. It has reduced corruption as well as nondevelopmental expenditure incurred on a regular election. Political instability caused by frequent and unholy change of allegiance on the part of the legislators of our country has been contained to a very great extent. Moreover, it gives, for the first time, a clear-cut constitutional recognition to the existence of political parties. ● Statement 2 is incorrect: Despite the positives, a very alarming trend of legislators defecting in groups to another party in search of greener pastures is visible. The recent examples of defection in state Assemblies (Goa, Karnataka etc.) and even in Rajya Sabha bear this out. This only shows that the law needs a relook in order to plug the loopholes it obviously has. ● Statement 3 is incorrect: The anti-defection law does not make a differentiation between dissent and defection. It curbs the legislator’s right to dissent and freedom of conscience. It clearly puts party bossism on a pedestal and sanctions tyranny of the party in the name of the party discipline.
‘जो कठिनता से और देर में पचे’ के लिए निम्नलिखित में से कौन ...
काठ में जलने वाली लकड़ी-
निम्नलिखित में कौन सा शब्द तत्सम है?
महात्मा (1)/ गाँधी (2)/ जाता है(3)/ कहा (4)/ राष्ट्रपिता (5) / को(6) क्रम ...
' जिसका जन्म छोटी जाति ( निचले वर्ग ) में हुआ हो ' - के लिए ...
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