He was one of the most prominent political figures in the emancipation of South America from the Spanish empire for his leading role in the independence of Colombia, Ecuador, Peru and the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela; and for his contribution to the founding processes of the present-day republics of Bolivia and Panama.
The average age of A, B, and C is 30 years. 5 years ago, the sum of the ages of A and B was 12 more than that of C. Find the present age of C.
Sum of the present ages of A, B, C and D is 68 years. After 4 years ratio of their ages is 5:4:3:2. What is C’s present age?
Six years ago, the ratio of ages of Alok and Ravi was 7:9, respectively. Eight years hence, the ratio of ages of Rohan and Ravi will be 5:6, respectivel...
The current ages of Anita and Sunita are in a ratio of 3:4. If, four years from now, Sunita's age will be 20% greater than her current age, the question...
Present average age of 4 friends: ‘A’, ‘B’, ‘C’ and ‘D’ is 40 years. If their ages are in the arithmetic progression in the same order a...
The ratio of age of ‘B’ after 2 years from now and age of ‘C’ 4 years ago from now is 7:4, respectively. The present age of ‘C’ is 40% of th...
In four years, the age ratio of 'X' and 'Y' will be 10:13, respectively. The current average age of 'Y' and 'Z' is 54 years, and the present average age...
Sum of the present ages of A, B, C and D is 65 years. After 4 years ratio of their ages is 6:5:4:3. What is C’s present age?
The ratio of the ages of A and B is 3:5. After 5 years, the ratio will be 7:11. Find the present age of B.
Sohan's father was 32 years old when he was born while his mother was 28 years old when his brother, who is two years younger than him, was born. What i...