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The Coalition Linking Energy and Nature for action (CLEANaction) of WWF is a partnership to protect nature during the energy transition. It aims to highlight the need for new renewable energy generation projects to be carefully assessed for their impacts on biodiversity.
Dental formula of Lemur is:
Following is an example of high volume sprayer
Central Agmark Laboratory is located at:
Raphanus sativas L is the botanical name of:
On the basis of climatic condition, Walnut is an example of which type of fruit crop?
Given below are two statements
Statement I: A soil with good tilth is quite porous and has free drainage up to water table
Statement II: T...
The bulk density is expressed as:
A. g/cmᶾ
B. Mg/mᶾ
C. kg/mᶾ
D. g/mᶾ
Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
Chlorophyll is formed from
The bond order and magnetic behavior of Oˉ ₂ ion are, respectively:
Albugo candida survives as