Explanation: Mercury poisoning- Barometer worker, refiners of gold and silver Anthrax- Workers engaged in handling wood, hair bristles Bagassois- Workers likely to inhale bagasse or sugarcane dust Byssinosis- Textile workers
Which of the following is true about the purpose of carbon pricing mechanisms mentioned in the passage?
i. Carbon prici...
Which of the following is likely to co-exist?
Choose the sentence/s that is/are not true as per the passage.
I. Before British colonization in the late 18th century, villagers owned the vi...
Select the most appropriate meaning of the given idiom.
Bang for the buck
Which of the following is the most opposite in meaning to the word ‘ hazardous’ as used in the passage?
Choose the word/group of words which is most similar in meaning to the word/ group of word augmentation as used in passage
Which one of the following maybe a suitable meaning of the following phrase ‘brushed under the carpet’ as used in the passage above.
...What issue of Assam will be addressed after the completion of the National Register of Citizens?
State the antonym of “redundancy”.
“The political parties ignored the situation of border crossing over the decades in order to cultivate vote banks.” According to the passage, this ...