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India’s first Open Rock Museum in Hyderabad was launched, displaying around 35 different types of rocks from different parts with ages ranging from 3.3 billion years to around 55 million years of the earth’s history.
Assume that there are equal numbers of male and female students in a university. Of all male students, 10 per cent major in economics; and of ...
The substitution effect for a commodity is
Which among the following are the main pillars of the Basel III norms?
Minimum capital requirements
The 2nd phase (diminishing returns to a factor) is exhibited by the following total product sequence:
When R2 = 0, the estimated line (SRF) lies
Which of the following statements is not true regarding CRISIL ?
Find MR when ed=0.5 and P=10
Which of the following is a possible change in total revenue that occurs if you increase the price of a good with unit elasticity?
Whichof the following are likely to reduce investment expenditure?