Asia’s largest tribal festival, the Medharam Jathara is celebrated with traditional fervour in Telangana. A little festival of tribal origin in Telangana has become a major pilgrimage in the last eight years. It is held every two years at Medaram Village of Tadvai Mandal deep in the heart of the thick forests of Mulugu district.
Which of the following combinations is wrongly matched?
Which of the following combinations of day-person-company-colour is correct?
F lives to the north east of ___.
What is the position of R with respect to W?
Six boxes, T, U, V, W, X and Y are kept one above the other (not necessarily in the same manner). There are four box between T and U. There are two boxe...
Who among the following person give interview on 7th October?
If in a certain way ‘Red’ is related to ‘Banana’, Blue is related to ‘Grapes’ in the same way ‘Black’ is related to who among the follow...
Engagement is to be held on which day
Who lives two floors below O in the same type of flat as that of O?
Six persons G, H, I, J, K and L live in a six storey building such that bottommost floor is numbered as 1 and the floor above it is numbered as 2 and so...