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The 5 wings of World Bank Groups are: IBRD - The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development IDA - The International Development Association IFC - The International Finance Corporation MIGA - The Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency ICSID - The International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes
What is another term used to describe saline soil?
The term ‘insect’ is derived from the Latin word insectum which means ‘cut into’. Insects are considered to be beneficial because they are
...Which type of cotton has the longest fiber and is used for making fine quality cloth?
Which of the following is land holding of marginal farmers?
Name the branch of agricultural science deals with principles, & practices of soil, water & crop management.
The total number of cereal crops included in Minimum Support Price are
Which flowering plant is known for its medicinal value and is found at an altitude above 3,000 meters in the sub-alpine and alpine zones?
Wheat variety HD 3298, DBW 303, and DDW 48 are
Among the following which condition causes self pollination?
In Uttarakhand, what percentage of the micro-irrigation system cost is covered by the State Government as its share for marginal farmers under the 'C' c...