Radha is 15th from one end of a row and 23rd from the other end. How many persons are there in the row?
Which of the following live just below B?
Six friends L, M, N, O, P, Q have different heights. M is taller than only Q. L and N are taller than Q but shorter than O, who is not the tallest. Whos...
Six students (L, M, N, O, P, and Q) scored different marks in an exam. O scored more than Q and L. Three students scored more than P, who scored just mo...
If P's rank is eighth in the girls row. Q is twelfth from the bottom. If D is fourth from Q (when counted from bottom to top) and just in middle of P an...
How many boxes are heavier than box P?
How many cartons are lighter than E?
What is the probable weight of T?
In a row of some students Rahim is 15th from one end and 47th from the other end. What is the total number of students in the group?
Who among the following person/persons are heavier than the fourth shortest persons?
I. R