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ATQ, Total marks scored: A scored 170 marks in total. C scored 150 marks in total. Maximum marks for all three tests combined = 80 + 80 + 100 = 260. Percentage for A = (170 ÷ 260) × 100 = 65.38%. Percentage for C = (150 ÷ 260) × 100 = 57.69%. Difference = 65.38% - 57.69% = 7.69%.
Though daily infections had gradually dipped (A)/at the start from the year, the relief was short-lived (B)/as the Delta variant drive (C)/an expone...
In each group, one word is correctly spelt. Find the correct word.
Select the CORRECTLY spelt word.
The single most important factor that distinguishes those of us who succeed in any venture and those of us who don’t is this ‘instant coffee...
In the following question, four words are given, out of which only one word is correctly spelt. Find the correctly spelt word.
The purpose (A) of genome sequencing (B) is to understand the role of certain mutations (C) in increasing the virus’s infecsivity (D) .
...On-orbit servicing could also help cut down on the perplexing problem of mounting space debries.
The recent study emphasized (1) the need to address climate change through sustainable (2) farming practices and encouraged farmers to adopt innov...
Select the wrongly spelt word.
In each group, one word is correctly spelt. Find the correct word.