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3 4 1 3 5 2 7 8 5 3 3 5 7 1 9 6 Sum of the digits that are third from the left and third from the right = 3 + 1 = 4.
Select the most appropriate word to fill in the blank.
Let us know ______ you change your mind.
What the philosophers in question owe us is a ______________ explanation of how there can be a class of entities which do not behave like particulars.
Patoonda is a small village situated …….. the rocky barren land on the right bank of river Kali Sindh, a major …… of Chambal...
Stop comparing apples to _______________.
The law actually _____ the practice of child labour_____ specifying (certain) works for which children below 14 years of age can ...
The Left Alliance now has both the opportunity and the strength to ________ on governance and development.
"After neglecting our responsibilities for so long, we will have to ________ sooner or later."
A) Furtive B) Trivial C) Futile D) Clandestine
...Which ________does the minister take to reach the Assembly?
One Sunday afternoon, not ______ after I had _______ high school, I was sitting at home at our dining-room ______ doing homework. It was a cold and win...