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The correct arrangement of the given words in the order in which they appear in an English dictionary is: 5 – Bridge, 1 – Bright, 2 - Brilliant, 4 - Bring, 3 – Brink
So, the correct order is 5, 1, 2, 4, 3.
A shopkeeper marked an article ‘A’ 25% above the cost price and sold it for Rs. 7056 after giving a certain discount while he sold an articl...
Two cycles were sold at 1499 Rs each. First was sold at 25% profit and second at 25% loss. Find the overall profit or loss.
Kiran incurred a loss of 30% on selling an article at (5/6) of its list price. Find the profit percentage if he sold the article at 92% of its list price.
Remi earns a profit of 20% on selling an article at a certain price. If she sells the articles for ₹. 8 more, she will gain 30%. What is the original ...
Three partners ‘A’, ‘B’ and ‘C’ started a business by investing in the ratio 2:5:6 respectively and the ratio of time for which they made th...
A sells an article to B at a profit of 20% and B sells it to C at a profit of 20%. If C pays ₹432 for it, what was the cost price for A?
P purchased a book from registered store and gets 14% discount while Q purchased the same book from a roadside stall and got 18% discount. If Q paid Rs....
A pen seller sets the selling price of all pens 40% higher than their cost price. He manages to sell 70% of the pens at this marked price, while offerin...
A bought an article at 12% less of the marked price and sold it at 10% more than the marked price. Find the profit earned by him.
Even after allowing a discount of 40% on the marked price, a shopkeeper earns 50 % profit. By what percentage has the marked price been marked up above ...