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The correct answer is A
A cognizable offence is one in which:
According to Section 2(g) of the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908 'judgment' means _______.
Under Food Safety and Standards Act the penalty for unhygienic or unsanitary processing or manufacturing of food is
How many proviso are there to Section 92 of Evidence Act?
What does the term "amicus curiae" refer to in legal proceedings?
Under which Section of Indian Evidence Act , DNA test of hair samples can be admitted in Evidence?
Every bank note shall be legal tender at any place in India and shall be guaranteed by______?
As per Reg 9 of SEBI (Prohibition of Insider Trading) Regulations, 2015, who is required to formulate a code of conduct for trading?
Rajat works in a public works department and Uma wants to initiate action against him by filing a suit for his actions done in official capacity. When c...
Which of the following is correct with respect to a minor’s liability for ‘necessaries’ supplied to him?