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ATQ, Given: Circle with radius = 8 m → Area = 64π Triangle area = 36π Total area of the circular ground = Sum of both areas Find Total Area 64π+36π=100π Find Radius of Circular Ground Let radius = R, πR2 =100π Cancel π: R2 =100⇒ R=10 Diameter=2R=2×10=20
National year of millets was observed in which year?
Pea, gulmohur, bean, Cassia have ___ type of symmetry and hance they are ____ flowers.
Non ionizing radiation includes
Which one of the following instrument measures Fiber fineness?
Globalisation of a country's economy would increase its
Parturition in cattle is known as
What is the type of farming when the annual rainfall is 750-1150 mm?
The form of nitrogen that is specific to denitrification is
Which of the following sequence regarding dominant trait in pea plant is incorrect?
Father of Botany is