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ATQ, Given: Circle with radius = 8 m → Area = 64π Triangle area = 36π Total area of the circular ground = Sum of both areas Find Total Area 64π+36π=100π Find Radius of Circular Ground Let radius = R, πR2 =100π Cancel π: R2 =100⇒ R=10 Diameter=2R=2×10=20
In which year did Narendra Modi propose the celebration of the International Day of Yoga at the United Nations General Assembly?
Arrange the formation of the following Indian states in chronological order:
- I. Haryana
- II. Telangana
- III. Jharkhand
- IV. Goa
What is the flat and fertile land on the banks of mountain rivers called in Local language in Uttarakhand?
The 86th Amendment Act 2002 primarily deals with the Fundamental Right to what?
In the local language of Uttarakhand, which of the following is also referred to as Ragi?
Which instrument is prominently played by the musician Sivamani?
Pandit Birju Maharaj is renowned for his mastery in which classical dance form?
Who is the writer of the novel “The Guide”?
The Future Value of an Annuity is equal to the future value of the sum of individual cash flows.
Which organization developed the 'Akashteer Air Defence System'?