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Explanation: - Oak forests and pine forests are known to support a rich diversity of birds in mountainous regions. - Bush forests also support some bird species, but Oak and Pine forests are more dominant in terms of biodiversity. - Since both Pine and Oak forests support birds, the answer is (D) More than one of the above.
Which of the following e-commerce initiatives is specifically designed for rural markets in India?
Delinting in cotton seed is required for:
Proper time of sowing hybrid maize is:
Which one of the following primitive type of corn has less economic importance?
What is the branch of soil related with the origin and classification of soil?
The terminal cell of the 2- celled proembryo divides by longitudinal wall and the basal cell and terminal cell both contribute to the development of emb...
Mandarin Variety, Ponkan Mandarin is also known as ___
Which variety of banana is resistant to Fusarium wilt?
Modification that is added to the Improved Kothar type to enhance protection against rodents?
Standardisation relates to ........................................ ?