
     The Prime Minister Lal Bahadur Shastri faced which of

    the following issues challenging the basic values and goals of Indian Nation?
    A The shortage of food for social and economic transformation Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    B The war with Pakistan in 1965 Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    C The Anti Hindi Agitation in South Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    D More than one of the above Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    E None of the above Correct Answer Incorrect Answer


    The Prime Minister Lal Bahadur Shastri faced which of the following issues challenging the basic values and goals of the Indian Nation? Answer: (D) More than one of the above Explanation: Lal Bahadur Shastri faced multiple challenges during his tenure: - Food shortage: India was experiencing a severe food crisis, leading to the promotion of the "Green Revolution." - The 1965 war with Pakistan: A major conflict broke out between India and Pakistan over Kashmir. - Anti-Hindi Agitation in South: There was resistance in Tamil Nadu and other southern states against the imposition of Hindi as the sole official language.  

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