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SPM (Suspended Particulate Matter) refers to tiny solid or liquid particles suspended in the air, contributing to air pollution. These include dust, smoke, soot, and other pollutants, which are monitored for environmental regulation.
If O is the origin and the coordinates of P are (2, 3, −4), then find the equation of the plane passing through P and perpendicular to OP.
What is the total number of girls who participates in Horse Riding in Heritage School and Delhi Public School together?
Suppose that the reliability of a COVID test is specified as follows:
Of people having COVID, 90% of the test detect the disease but 10% go und...
In an election, a voter may vote for any number of candidates not greater than the number to be chosen. There are 8 candidates and 5 members are to be c...
What is the average number of passengers travelling in general class, sleeper class by both the trains?
What percent of the total number of boys in Heritage School who participates in ‘Cycling’?
What is the difference between the Mumbai and Pune supporters after the match was restarted?
Supporters of Mumbai in the crowd finally is approximately what percent of the initial number of supporters of Pune in the beginning at 8.00 pm?
What is the number of Astronauts who were going to only one of the mission?
Supporters of Pune in the crowd finally is approximately how much percent less or more than the number of Pune supporters who left after the match was d...