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National Asset Reconstruction Company Limited (NARCL) was incorporated in July 2021 as a ‘bad bank’ to help dispose of the stressed assets of the commercial banks.
Find the number of prime factors of 300?
Twin prime numbers are the prime numbers whose difference is always equal to 2. The number of twin primes between 35 and 100 is:
Six numbers are arranged in decreasing order. The average of the first five numbers is 40, and the average of the last five numbers is 35. What is the d...
20 less than a given number K, 20 more than the given number K, and 42 more than the given number K are in continued proportion. Find the given number K...
What should come in place of question mark (?) in the following questions? Find the exact value.
If the largest three – digit number is subtracted from the smallest five – digit number, then the remainder is
A sum of ₹25,740 is divided among A, B, and C in such a way that A gets 50% more than B, and B gets 25% more than C. Find the share of C.
Divide 45 into 4 parts such that if the first is increased by 2, the second is decrease by 2, the third is multiplied by 2 and the fourth divided by 2, ...
Three natural numbers X, Y, and Z, which are pairwise co-prime, satisfy the following conditions: the least common multiple (LCM)...
Determine the number of trailing zeros in the product of the following numbers:
11 × 22 × 33 × … × 22