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SEBI is the regulator for the Indian Corporate Debt Market. SEBI controls bond market and corporate debt market in cases where entities raise money from public through public issues. It regulates the manner in which such moneys are raised and tries to ensure a fair play for the retail investor. It forces the issuer to make the retail investor aware, of the risks inherent in the investment, by way and its disclosure norms. SEBI is also a regulator for the Mutual Funds. SEBI also regulates the investments of debt FIIs.
Which Indian city to host the 140th International Olympic Committee session in 2023
Pankaj Advani, who recently won his 28th world title, is associated with which sport?
The eMobility Simulation Lab will have the latest tools along with financial support from Altair & will carry out other e-mobility labs for batteries,...
India's merchandise exports to how many countries recorded positive growth rates in FY 2023-24?
The Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) in its ongoing attempts to deepen engagement with the private sector, has now entered into a MoU with...
Which of the following organizations publishes the World Employment and Social Outlook?
In which state will the new major port be developed as part of the economic decisions announced by the Union Cabinet?
What is the point at the center of the reflecting surface of a spherical mirror called?
Consider the following statements about India’s textile and apparel exports in 2023:
1. India ranked as the 6th largest exporter of textiles an...
Where is Haryana's only footwear park located?