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A scheduled bank refers to a bank which is listed in the 2nd Schedule of the Reserve Bank of India Act, 1934. Banks not under this Schedule are called non-scheduled banks. Scheduled banks are usually private, foreign and nationalised banks operating in India.
Two inlet pipes M and N alone can fill a tank in 15 hours and 18 hours respectively and an outlet pipe P alone can empty the whole tank in 10 hours. Fir...
Pipes A, B, and C are connected to a tank. Pipe A can fill the empty tank in 48 minutes, and Pipe B can do the same in 80 minutes. On the other hand, Pi...
Pipe ‘A’ can fill a tank in 20 hours whereas leak ‘A’ can empty it in 30 hours. If they both operate along with pipe ‘B’, then the given tan...
A tank has two inlet pipes and one outlet pipe. Pipe A can fill the tank in 4 hours, and Pipe B can fill it in 6 hours. The outlet pipe C can empty the ...
There are 4 inlet and (y-3) outlet pipes attached to a tank. Each inlet pipe takes 30 hours to fill the tank, and each outlet pipe empties the fully fil...
Pipe ‘A’ and pipe ‘B’, together can fill 20% of a tank in 5 hours while pipe ‘C’ takes 30 hours to empty it. Pipe ‘A’ and pipe ‘B’ w...
Two pipes A and B can fill a tank in 24 minutes and 36 minutes, respectively. If both pipes are opened simultaneously, but B is turned off after 12 minu...
A tank has two inlet pipes A and B and an outlet pipe C. Pipe A can fill the tank in 6 hours, and Pipe B can fill it in 8 hours. Pipe C can empty the fu...
A pipe can fill a tank in 18 minutes, while another can empty it in 27 minutes. If both pipes are opened simultaneously, how long will it take to fill t...
A bath can be filled by the cold water pipe in 20 hrs and by the hot water in 30 hrs. Mohit leaves the bathroom after turning on both pipes simultaneous...