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Ronaldo Singh, created a national record in the 200m flying time trial by breaching the 10-second barrier on his way to the semifinals of the men’s elite sprint race event on the fourth day of the Asian Track Cycling Championship held at Indira Gandhi Stadium Velodrome in New Delhi, India on 18th - 22 nd June.
The larval stage is predatory whereas the adults are pollinator in case of
Sugarbeet belongs to family
Aluminium Phosphide is an example of:
Site for protein synthesis is _______
Which reproductive structure in angiosperms contains the egg-bearing ovule?
Which of the following is generally used for reclamation of soil acidity?
Chitin is present in the cell wall of
Bengal famine in 1943 was caused due to which disease?
Which of the following is not correct with respect to Eukaryotes?
The land use system involving trees combined with crops and/or animals is called