Ronaldo Singh, created a national record in the 200m flying time trial by breaching the 10-second barrier on his way to the semifinals of the men’s elite sprint race event on the fourth day of the Asian Track Cycling Championship held at Indira Gandhi Stadium Velodrome in New Delhi, India on 18th - 22 nd June.
I. 22x² - 97x + 105 = 0
II. 35y² - 61y + 24 = 0
I. 2x² - 12x + 16 = 0
II. 4y² - 8y - 12 = 0
'r' is one of the roots of equation (r - 1)p2 - (5r + 2)p + 12 = 0 and sum of roots is (32/5), Determine the two roots of the equation.
I. 6p² + 17p + 12 = 0
II. 12q² - 25q + 7 = 0
I. 8x² - 78x + 169 = 0
II. 20y² - 117y + 169 = 0
I. 5x² - 24 x + 28 = 0
II. 4y² - 8 y - 12= 0
I. 40x² + 81x + 35 = 0
II. 63y² + 103y + 42 = 0
Solve the quadratic equations and determine the relation between x and y:
Equation 1: x² - 24x + 143 = 0
Equation 2: y² - 20y + 96 = 0
I. 3x2 - 14x + 15 = 0
II. 15y2- 34 y + 15 = 0
Solve the quadratic equations and determine the relation between x and y:
Equation 1: x² - 42x + 392 = 0
Equation 2: y² - 46y + 480 = 0