Vodafone Idea, a telecom Company, said that Akshay Moondra, who currently serves as chief financial officer, has been promoted to CEO with effect from August 19. According to the filing, Ravinder Takkar, the business’s current managing director and chief executive officer, will remain on the board of the company when his tenure is up as a non-executive and non-independent director.
All Books are Pencil.
Some Pencil are Scale.
No Scale is Eraser.
All Pencil can be Eras...
In the questions given below, there are three statements followed by three conclusions I, II and III. You have to take the three given statements to be...
Statements: some record are folder.
No folder is a data.
Statement : Some X are Y.
Only a few Z are X.
All Y are A.
I. All X are Z
II. Some A are Z
Only few Figs is Cashews.
All Nuts are Figs.
Some Almonds are Nuts.
I. Some Figs ...
All buildings are mountains. Some jungles may not be rivers. Some rivers are mountains.
Read the given statement s and conclusions carefully. Assuming that the information given in the statements is true, even if it appears to be at varian...
Statements: All Ubuntu are linux.
All linux are vista.
Conclusions: I. Some linux a...
Statements: All mouse are keyboard.
Some keyboard are speaker.
No monitor is spe...
Only car are bus.
No bus is train.
Only bike are train.
I. No train is car.
II. S...