The day is observed in honour of Sir Rudolf Diesel, inventor of the diesel engine. It is observed to spread awareness about unconventional sources of fuels that could work as an alternative to fossil fuels.
यदि H = I, F ≥ G, H < G and J > I, तो निम्न में से कौन सा निष्कर्ष सत्य है?
Among V, W, X, Y and Z, each of them has different height. X’s height is more than W. Y’s height is more than V and less than Z. W is not the shorte...
Statements: J ≤ O = A ≤ Q = R, V < U ≤ A = T ≥ S
I. R ≤ U
II. R > V
III. J ≥ S
How many people are standing between G and D in a straight line of 15 people (Note: All are standing in a straight line facing north.)?
I. F stan...
If all the letters of the word " MANAGEMENT " are arranged in alphabetical order then how many letters will retain their original position?
Which of the following is not an example of protocol?
If A denote ÷, B denotes x, C denotes + and D denotes -, what is the value of 16 B 20 A 4 C 5 D 6?
लड़कियों की एक पंक्ति में सामने से श्वेता का स्थान 11 वां है ...
If K and M interchanged their positions then how many seats are there between M and R?
Which of the following statement is true regarding M?