The Indo-Israel Center of Excellence for Vegetables inaugurated in Chandauli, Uttar Pradesh by the Union Minister of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare, Mr. Narendra Singh Tomar, laid the foundation stone of it in which the Israeli experts will provide the latest technology as part of the The Indian Institute of Astrophysics (IIAP) , while MIDH (Mission for Integrated Development of Horticulture) is funding the construction of the Center's infrastructure for demonstration purposes.
Forage crops includes
(A) Sorghum
(B) Elephant grass
(C) Guinea grass
(D) Berseem
(E) Cassava
Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
Most damaging single influence on storage life of seeds is:
An indifference curve is:
‘Allahabad Safeda’ is the variety of :
Give the chronological order in the development of following herbicides
A. Atrazine
B. 2, 4-D
C. Bispyribac Sodium
D. Alachl...
Among the options given below, which of the following fishes possess electric organ?
Which one is not the component communication?
Which one the following crop growth phases influenced most by relative length of sunlight and temperature?
Rust and smut fungi belong to:
Which of the following insect is responsible for the stridulating sound?