Terms of reference of the Committee: (i) Recommendation of appropriate policy for access to securities market data for both transactions and disclosures. (ii) Working with IndustryAssociations to facilitate smooth implementation of policies and regulations. (iii) Identification of Segment-wise Data Perimeters, Data Needs and Data Gaps. (iv) Standardization of Data Definitions; Data Identification Logic (e.g. usage of uniform codes for identifying and storing data - Raw Data and Derived Data) and Data Validation Techniques (single source of truth, validation). (v) Recommendation of appropriate policy and operational framework to address standardization, integrity, sourcing, storing, transfer and publishing of data, including the adoption of global standards e.g. XBRL/ ISO/ FIX standards etc. for messaging and entity interface. (vi) Recommendation of appropriate regulations to ensure accountability, reporting and enforcement of data related policies.
Invert sugar syrup results from the hydrolysis of sucrose to ______ and ______ (Both blanks need to be correct).