Indian Railway Protection Force (RPF), have launched a pan-India operation known as Operation Yatri Suraksha it will provide a full time safety to the passengers. Under this operation almost 365 suspects were taken into custody and handed over to railway authorities.
URL stands for
Which of the following is not a storage device?
Which among the following generations of computer used the technology of transistors for the first time?
When a group of computers and devices are connected together, it is called ______.
How many megabytes are there in one gigabyte?
Given below are two statements
Statement I: Cache memory is faster than random access memory
Statement II: Random access mem...
Which key is used to search for any Spelling mistake on a document ?
How do you insert a hyperlink into a PowerPoint slide?
The Characteristics of any entity are called it as ________
What is the minimum and maximum zoom sizes in MS Office?