The Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh Yogi Adityanath announced that the government will be issuing ‘UP Parivar Kalyan Card’ for all the families in the state to cover all the schemes available for them and to see if they are not included in any scheme.
Bandhan Express will provides connectivity between which of the following two countries?
IFRS stands for _______
Consider the following statements regarding bridge loan:
(A) It is a loan made by a bank for a longer period to make up for permanent shortage...
Which committee was established to form Nabard?
The Headquarter of SIDBI Is located in
Which of the following union ministry has initiated the Project Mausam?
Maximum limit of SLR is
Expand the term ALM as used in Banking/Finance sector.
IMPS-MMID is a ________ digit numeric code.
__________________ is a decrease in the rate of inflation – a slowdown in the rate of increase of the general price level of goods and servic...